About Antoinette Ransom

Antoinette Love Ransom
KJ Slyusar
Marketing Team Member

In a wide-open space full of endless dreams, just outside the predictable buzz of humanity…lies the heart of the "artist"...those who create the things that take our minds beyond that which is ordinary and mundane.
And though their work may go overlooked, the truth is that without their existence and ability to see what others just don't...our world would be gray and undefined…lacking the beauty we desperately need...and often don't know it...until we experience it.
Antoinette Ransom, creator of "EXHIBIT AMBUSH", the latest most trendsetting fashion and artists (of all types) “event”...has made it her life goal to help us see some of this beauty. Born and raised in Kansas City Missouri, Antoinette always knew she was a 'small town girl" with 'big time dreams". At an early age, she left home for Hollywood to pursue a career in acting. But it wasn’t long before an unexplored interest in fashion design came to the surface.
Not just every day ready to wear fashion, but the type of creations that were so unique, so daringly enchanting, that even those with ordinary tastes would be inspired. During a short run as a restaurant bartender, Antoinette says she was inspired to create fashion after admiring the ”beautiful and exotic” drinks she made. “I started sketching things” she said, “and my interest grew”. She applied and was accepted as an intern for the "Tyra Banks" show as a wardrobe designer. It was here her dream and vision became clarified... to one day create an actual venue where fashion artists including herself could come together and display their work with no restrictions on grandness.
What Antoinette envisioned was an epic array of artistic energy that would jar the senses with various performances and displays happening simultaneously. To the unbelieving, it sounded impossible. Ms. Ransom took it on with the kind of confidence and grace that make the feeble blush.
Not at all daunted by the enormous challenge of her very first event, Antoinette knew this “first kiss” on the lips of an expectant audience had to be good. They had to fall in love. With the gift of die-hard determination, she set out to make it all happen.
On Oct. 22, 2011, Antoinette’s dream debuted in a 28,000 square foot space at Horton Plaza, downtown San Diego. The main attraction at this first event was the fashion show, hosted by “Ru Paul’s Drag Race” star Yara Sofia. Various cutting edge designers paraded their work, including the hit show “Project Runway” star Jesus Estrada. The variety of art was impressive indeed. There were sculptors, painters, photographers, makers of shoes and other fashion accessories. The audience was wowed, and a “romance” began.
Always one to see the “big picture” and with a keen sense of her dream being bigger than herself, Antoinette decided early on that a main goal of Exhibit Ambush would be to help other artists achieve their dreams. “I want to help those who are serious about their work to transition into employment with lucrative companies.” This isn’t all about me, this is about everyone pulling together to make something worthwhile, and then everyone benefitting individually as well” she said.
Another goal of Exhibit Ambush is to support local charities. The first event donated 100% of its profits to the Susan G. Komen Foundation. The company’s second event, held at the “Women’s Museum” at Liberty Station, gave 100% of the events’ profits to the Hidden Treasures Foundation, an organization that helps victims of human trafficking. We’ve also worked for several other nonprofits that love making a positive difference, and help change the world for the better.
On a purely idealistic level, the idea of people joining forces to change the world in a positive way is the beauty of “Exhibit Ambush”. We are a team. We are together to not only help ourselves, but the community at large. Antoinette says. “When the community wins and benefits, everyone wins and benefits.”